Edinburgh Fringe Day 1: Hot, Hot, Hot, Sweat Sweet

When two people are going away for a month, it’s terribly sensible to pack two bags. However, when two people live inside one body, it proves difficult to carry both of their clothes and belongings. I learned this the hard way; by carrying two suitcases around the step-filled Escherism that is Edinburgh. The sweat, my children, the sweat. More sweat was incurred by the fact that I literally ran around Edinburgh picking up flyers, getting cables, and delivering laptops. By virtue of this, however, my show is teched! I’m literally at the bottom of a very large nightclub, which is one of the hottest rooms on earth. Maybe my makeup will melt and you’ll realise I’m a man. I hope not.

It’s very exciting to be back in Edinburgh, and I’ve already had a Mosque Kitchen (the best curry), and managed to complete my walk/run/genuine sprint around Edinburgh without being offered a single flyer. If I look stressed and full of purpose enough, flyerers tend to part like the Red Sea to let my sweaty existence through. My flat is also great, as well as the people I’m living with, but it and they are literally up three flights of stairs. NOT GREAT WITH TWO BAGS AND THEN A BOX OF 2500 FLYERS AND THEN A TIRED PERSONAGE.

I open tomorrow/today (sorry my internet was bad). Let's do this.